© nandatec research GmbH
© nandatec research GmbH

news archive 1

05.02.2020 State Secretary, Dr. Thilo Rohlfs, visits nandatec

Foto State Secretary Dr. Thilo Rohlfs and D. Schneider

Many thanks


to State Secretary, Dr. Thilo Rohlfs, Ministry of Economic Affaires, Transport, Employment, Technology and Tourism of Schleswig-Holstein, for his visit and interest in our research cooperation projects.


Read full press article here and in SHZ.




Press report
20200205Pressemeldung_nandatec GmbH.pdf
PDF-Dokument [115.9 KB]

04.02.2020 Wöhlk Contact Lenses GmbH and nandatec GmbH agreement

The cooperation partners Wöhlk Contact Lenses GmbH and nandatec GmbH of the SUperContact project agree on a general research and development cooperation for safer medical products with animal replacement models.

We are looking forward to this exciting cooperation work.

11.-13.11.2019 BIO EUROPE in Hamburg

BIO-Europe® is held annually in different cities and is an international forum to promote business development between pharmaceutical, financial and biotechnology companies. The event is Europe's largest partnering conference serving the global biotech industry. At this conference leading decision makers of the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and financial industry employed at emerging companies meet annually. Investors and pharmaceutical companies offer benefits to life-science companies that exceed financial investment. These benefits include information on questions reaching from regulatory and permit requirements to marketing and representations of interests for patients.


The 25th fair anniversary of the BIO-Europe® takes place on 3, Mon. in 11.11.2019. (Source Messeinfo.de)

29.08.2019 Business delegation with First Major of Hamburg,

Dr. med. Peter Tschentscher, Senat Hamburg

Delegation members, foto copyright Hamburger Senat

Many thanks to the First Major of Hamburg,

Dr. med. P. Tschentscher, and all the organizers and visited cities, institutions and companies for the kind invitation to join the delegation journey to Shanghai, Osaka, Kobe and Tokyo. It was a great honor for nandatec GmbH to be part of this delegation group.


(Source link)


01.07.2019 nandatec in press: IHK Magazine

Many thanks to IHK Flensburg and Lübeck, read about nandatec's CEO in the latest IHK -Schleswig-Holstein magazine, page 8/60, July 2019.


01.06.2019 Launch of the new HIHEAL network page

The new HIHEAL website was launched. Please read more about this innovative network for prevention, diagnosis and therapy in the North of Germany:

HIHEAL homepage


10.05.2019 Election of  board members of Life Science Nord

Successful election of our CEO D. Schneider: She was voted again as extended board member of Life Science Nord e.V. and she is now also member of the supervisory board of LSN Management GmbH. Read more about the details here.


27.03.2019 nandatec in press: Life Science Nord Magazine

14.01.2019 nandatec in press: Kieler Nachrichten KN online

Read about nandate's latest very promising cooperation project with Wöhlk GmbH and FH Kiel in the Kieler Nachrichten (KN online)




nandatec GmbH cooperates with FH Kiel and Wöhlk GmbH in order to develop an animal replacement model for nanomaterial testings. Project title: 'Veredelung von Contactlinsen durch superhydrophile und antiadhäsive Eigenschaften': Many thanks to the European Union-(ERDF), The Federal Government and Schleswig-Holstein.

11.-12.12.2018 Visit us at the international conference MICRONANO 2018

20.10.2018 WINspire talk at the Schifffahrtsmuseum in Flensburg

Many thanks Dr. Kirsten MIkkelsen and Europauniversity Flensburg for this opportunity to introduce nandatec with a WINspire talk (Dagmar Schneider, CEO) at the Schifffahrtsmuseum in Flensburg.

25.05.2018 We care about your privacy, please see our new GDPR policies

22.03.2018 Meet nandatec at the BioMedTec Ideas in Lübeck

We updated our policies due to the new GDPR. We recommend that you review the updated policies and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

BioMedTec Ideas
Exhibition of nandatec at the BioMedTec Ideas in Lübeck
Mönkhofer Weg 239a
23562 Lübeck
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
PDF-Dokument [41.5 KB]

28.02.2018 Kobe Business Delegation

Many thanks to JETRO and the Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster (KBIC), FBRI and LSN GmbH for organizing and enabeling the business delegation from Hamburg, Germany, to Kobe, Japan.

Foto left to right: Dr.A.Fiebig (InterMedCon GmbH), Dipl.-Ing.J.Ruprecht (northh medical GmbH), D.Schneider (nandatec GmbH), S.Voelzow (Bluewater Medical GmbH), Dr.H.Habeck (Life Science Nord GmbH) and Prof.J.Boltze (Fraunhofer EMB) at the new Kobe City Eye Center, Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN, meeting Dr. Masayo Takahashi. Many thanks to Sysmex and all other participants.

30.01.2018 New cooperation project with Wöhlk GmbH & FH Kiel

nandatec GmbH will cooperate with FH Kiel and Wöhlk GmbH in order to develop an animal replacement model for nanomaterial testings. Project title: 'Veredelung von Contactlinsen durch superhydrophile und antiadhäsive Eigenschaften': Many thanks to the European Union-(ERDF), The Federal Government and Schleswig-Holstein.

PDF-Dokument [400.3 KB]

12.-13.12.2017 Meet us at the International MICRONANO Conference in Amsterdam

further info under


14.-16.11.2017 Visit nandatec GmbH at the Healthcare Brokerage Event at MEDICA

further info under


09.06.2017 nandatec in press: IB.SH Unternehmerinnenpreis: Three nominees...

We are proud to announce that our CEO, Dagmar Schneider, was already nominated for IB.SH Unternehmerinnenpreis managing nandatec now for 4 years. 


Many thanks to IB.SH and 

to Finanzministerin Monika Heinold (Grüne) and Frederike C. Kühn, Präsidentin IHK Schleswig-Holstein and all the people in charge who supported the IB.SH Unternehmerinnenpreis.

IB.SH Unternehmerinnenpreis finale:

Erk Westermann-Lammers (Vorstandsvorsitzender IB.SH), Dagmar Schneider (nandatec GmbH, Lübeck), Dr. Ines Linke (oceanBASIS GmbH, Kiel), Lydia Rahaus (Konditorei Schokodeern, Kiel), (left to right).


Congratulations to Dr. Iris Linke, who won the finale with her company oceanBASIS GmbH, founded in 2001.


nandatec in press
JPG-Datei [320.5 KB]
nandatec in press
PDF-Dokument [3.0 MB]

14.-16.06.2017 Come and Se'a'e: nandatec presenting at NIBS conference 

'The international conference „Nanotechnology and Innovation in the Baltic Sea Region“ (NIBS) will take place for the first time in Kaunas / Lithuania from 14th to 16th June 2017.' 

nandatec will present at the NIBS conference about: ' The impact of smart surface modifications on cleaner oceans': NANDATEC® CLEANs1

28.04.2017 nandatec takes part in the PANaMa Project

'In the project PANaMa, students in 9th or 10th grade will be introduced to activities that people in certain jobs will have to do in their daily lives and the knowledge base that doing these activities depends on. Students will find out what job opportunities there are available in their region. The project will focus on topic areas that have a regional connection but also a high potential for future growth and development: Energy, Agriculture, Nutrition, High-Tech Materials.

The Project PANaMa is funded by Interreg Deutschland-Danmark with funds of the European Fund for Regional Development. Find out more about Interreg Deutschland-Danmark at www.interreg5a.eu.


30.03.2017 Life Science Nord kick-off event innovation network HIHeal 

Life Science Nord opened the innovation network for patient security HIHeal (hygiene, infection & health). nandatec' s CEO Dagmar Schneider and other presented their products and/ or possible contribution in this promising network. The project is funded by the Europäischen Fond für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) and the Behörde für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Innovation of Hamburg. 

29.03.2017 Election of the Life Science Nord e.V. Managing Board

(foto: Life Science Nord), nandatec's CEO Dagmar Schneider was elected to the extended directorate of  Life Science Nord e.V..

PM_Vorstand des LSN e_V.pdf
PDF-Dokument [86.5 KB]

16.02.2017 German business delegation visits Kobe, Japan

Successful business matchmaking event in Japan: nandatec was one of four companies (Bluewater Medical, InterMedCon and Provecs Medical) chosen to visit Kobe, Japan.

Many thanks to Life Science Nord, JETRO, Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster (KBIC), Foundation of Biomedical Research and Innovation (FBRI), Sysmex, XFEL (Hyogo prefecture), Medical Japan (Osaka) and RIKEN's K-computer (foto) for the invitation. We are looking forward to our next meetings.


01.02.2017 nandatec in ZIM-newsletter 2-2016

nandatec is the idea giver and co-founder of the ZIM-BMWi funded network NanoFunDuS that was mentioned in the ZIM-BMWi-newsletter. NanoFunDuS was one of six networks that were asked to present their work at the network exhibition in November 2016. Our Bachelor student, Maximilian Seidenstecher, proudly presented a testkit prototype for meat type detection. The testkit was developed by nandatec in a ZIM- BMWi-funded network project.

Cooperation partners are Amedon GmbH, BITSz electronics GmbH, Diagramm Halbach GmbH & Co. KG and Frankenförder Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.

09.01.2017 NEW! Launch of NANDATEC® FECT1, a biocompatible transfection agent for human stem cells. No pre-treatment or electroporation necessary. Transfection efficiency 92-94%!


13.-14.12.2016 Meet nandatec at the MICRONANO Conference in Amsterdam


Further info and programm please visit http://www.micronanoconference.org/ .

18.11.2016 Successful days for nandatec at the MEDICA HEALTHCARE BROKERAGE EVENT 


nandatec took part in the healthcare brokerage event on three days and was completely booked.


Thank you for your interest in nandatec and the stimulating and efficient conversations.


We are looking forward to our meetings, or see you next year at MEDICA 2017.

17.11.2016 'Functional surfaces for clean oceans- new anti-fouling solutions'


Who? WTSH, NINa e.V., GreenShipping Niedersachsen Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland and invited speakers:

Philipp Maximilian Seidenstecher, team nandatec, about 'Establishing a marine test system for anti-fouling compounds', 5 p.m.

When? 2 p.m.

Where? Seelandhallen Achtern Diek, Norderteiler Weg 2a, 21762 Otterndorf

16.11.12 nandatec in press


Read more about nandatec in the newsletter of NINa SH e.V., Norddeutsche Initiative für Nanotechnologie and Life Science Nord Magazine Medtech, Biotech & Pharma 3/2016.

PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
Life Science Nord Magazine
PDF-Dokument [2.5 MB]

14.11.2016 Visit of Dr. Frank Nägele, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment, Transport and Technology of Schleswig-Holstein. 


Many Thanks to Dr. Frank Nägele, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment, Transport and Technology.


Dr. Nägele and Dr. Habeck, Managing Director of Life Science Nord, staff members of WTSH and IHK Lübeck visited nandatec during the MEDICA in order to discuss and foster networking opportunities in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg. Thank you for this inspiring and fruitful conversation. We are looking forward to our next meeting.

(foto copyright WTSH, right Dr. Frank Nägele, left Dagmar Schneider)

14.11. - 17.11.2016 MEDICA 


Visit us at MEDICA, World Forum for Medicine in Düsseldorf:

Hall 15, booth 15G40.

14.09.2016 Join in: Summer Science School, Innovationszentrum Itzehoe (IZET), 2 p.m., nandatec presentation about Nanomedicine.

05.09.2016 NANDATEC CLEANS1® in local press 


Itzehoer Nachrichten
Itzehoer Nachrichten_nandatec.pdf
PDF-Dokument [475.6 KB]

17.08.2016 nandatec on German TV

NDR.de nandatec on German TV Schleswig-Holstein-Magazin



03.08.2016 Visit of the Minister-President of Schleswig-Holstein, Torsten Albig

Ministerpräsident Torsten Albig and Bundestagsabgeordnete Dr. Karin Thissen visit nandatec GmbH.

Thank you for your interest in nandatec' s new product NANDAtec® CLEANs1, Minister President Torsten Albig and Dr. Karin Thissen, Bundestagsabgeordnete. We enjoyed your visit during the Schleswig-Holstein Summer tour. It would be a pleasure to meet again.

Visit of Minister - President Torsten Albig
PDF-Dokument [18.9 KB]

03.08.2016 nandatec introduces it's new product NANDAtec® CLEANs1

nandatec launches it's new product NANDAtec® CLEANs1 during the visit of Torsten Albig, Minister - President of Schleswig-Holstein.

NANDAtec® CLEANs1 is a biocompatible surface modification for reduction of microbial contamination and algae. NANDAtec® CLEANs1 can be used for applications in Medical Technology and Marine Technology.

25.05.2016 Meet nandatec at the BioTec & MedTec Partnering Mission in Lübeck 

Further info and programm under:


The BioTec & MedTec Partnering Mission is supported by CBBM and Life Science Nord (Germany), Biopeople, Copenhagen Capacity and Dansk Erhverv (Denmark) and Invest in Skåne (Sweden).

30.11.2015 BMBF-Dialogveranstaltung "Bürger treffen Experten" zur Nanotechnologie in Kiel


Flyer Kiel
Flyer Kiel.pdf
PDF-Dokument [99.3 KB]
Programm Kiel
Einleger Kiel.pdf
PDF-Dokument [382.1 KB]


State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment, Transport and Technology of Schleswig-Holstein, Dr. Frank Nägele, visits nandatec.

Visit of Dr. Frank Nägele, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment, Transport and Technology of Schleswig-Holstein (middle), and Dr. Hinrich Habeck, Managing Director Life Science Nord GmbH (left), in conversation with Dagmar Schneider, CEO nandatec GmbH (right), at the MEDICA WTSH companies' pavilion, Hall 15, booth 15G40.

Pressemeldung download
PDF-Dokument [255.3 KB]

07.10.2015 nandatec receives KfW award GründerChampion Schleswig-Holstein 2015 and was nominated for 'Publikumspreis'


Since the 18 years of its existence the title "GründerChampion" has become a quality award for young enterprises. In the corporate contest of the KfW Bankengruppe German companies could apply starting from the founding year of 2010.

In total 480 applications were received this year. That was the highest number of applications since the existence of the KfW AWARD GründerChampions.

KfW-GünderChampions 2015:

Baden-Württemberg: alamedics GmbH & Co.KG (Medizinprodukte) www.alamedics.eu

Alexander Thamm GmbH (IT) www.alexanderthamm.de

Berlin: SOPAT GmbH (optische Sonde) www.sopat.de

Brandenburg: Nagola Re GmbH (Naturschutz) www.nagolare.de

Bremen: Reishunger GmbH (Reis aus aller Welt) www.reishunger.de

Hamburg: HQLabs GmbH (Software) www.hqlabs.de

Hessen: 43einhalb sneaker store (E-Commerce/Ladengeschäft) www.43einhalb.com

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: INSTAMAK GmbH (Reparaturasphalt) www.instamak.de

Niedersachsen: FOVEA GmbH (Holvermessungs-App) www.fovea.eu

Nordrhein-Westf.: kegra GmbH (Dienstleister Gesundheitswesen) www.kegra.de

Rheinland-Pfalz: e-bility GmbH (Kumpan electric) (E-Roller) www.kumpan-electric.com

Saarland: Carbolution Chemicals GmbH (Chemikalienhandel) www.carbolution-chemicals.de

Sachsen: Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH (Serverabwärme zum Heizen) www.cloudandheat.com

Sachsen-Anh.: Bowdenzugmanufaktur Katrin Simstedt (Bowdenzüge) www.bowdenzugmanufaktur.de

Schleswig-Holstein: nandatec GmbH (Biotechnologie) www.nandatec.com

Thüringen: GGC GmbH (Rotorvox) (Tragschrauber) www.rotorvox.com

Ein Sonderpreis im Wettbewerb geht an LittleSun GmbH aus Berlin (Solarlampen) www.littlesun.com


Please visit the following links for further information:

01.10.2105 Start of the second funding period of NanoFunDuS 




05.05.2105 FBÖ TTT final initiative report


2 of 10 funded secondments go to nandatec GmbH.


2015 05 05 Minutes of meeting-FBÖ TTT
FBÖ TransTechTrans funded projects
2015 05 05 Minutes of meeting - FBOe TTT[...]
PDF-Dokument [173.8 KB]

01.08.2015 Start of the ZIM-BMWi funded NanoFunDuS network project "Meat-Type-Test"


Gefördert durch: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages


23.04.2015 nandatec in local press

Frauen gründen anders

Norddeutsche Rundschau


01.10.2014 Foundation of NanoFunDuS network


ZIM-BMWi-funded NanoFunDuS network



27.06.2013 FBÖ TransTechTrans Kick-off meeting in Lübeck

Lübeck Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Danish Ministry of Innovation and Region Skåne launch initiative to foster cross-border R&D projects.

Download PDF

All fotos copyright by nandatec GmbH.


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